Dental school application

There is greater joy in giving than in receiving, there is greater satisfaction in serving than in being served and the saying that service to man is service to God has no better prove of that. This is evident when a doctor gets all excited when patients leave a hospital though it will not benefit, he or she is happy to bring a smile to ones face. This I have borne witness to while working in dental department in both United States and in Iran. I have also heard expressions from  my father who works as a plastic surgeon and I remember vividly a visit I paid to him in hospital and got touched by a teenager who had been involved in a tragic accident that not only affected his face but also his entire body. With this I realized there was need to make the world we are living better and took in the field of medicine. I have come also to realize that dentistry is rapidly growing as an area of disease detection, field of diagnosis, surgical restorations and public health on the need to practice good healthy habits. This has given me this strong desire to indulge in the field and self actualize my dreams. I believe that dentistry is my passion since it involves creativity and it is thus a fulfilling career choice.


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