Foundations of Health and Lifespan Development minor assignment

Foundations of Health and Lifespan Development minor assignment
provide an overview of some empirical research that has been conducted on a risk factor for the development of depression. The assignment requires that you identify a risk factor, and locate and summarise 3 relevant empirical studies on that risk factor. The skills we want you to develop and demonstrate are:
• The ability to conduct a literature search to locate empirical studies.
• The ability to structuring a short written piece of work.
• The ability to write a clear and concise summary of a research paper by picking out the main points and presenting them in you own words (You need to take care not to plagiarise the authors’ words).
Completing the assignment
1. Identify a risk factor for the development of depression.
2. Locate, download and read three journal articles that present an empirical study on the risk factor for depression that you have identified. Note: you are required to find and summarise three journal articles that each present an empirical study; summarizing these three studies is the central task for the assignment. You can also refer to book chapters or literature review papers as part of the assignment if you want to, but if you do, this would be in addition to, not in place of, the three empirical studies.
3. In 500 words, introduce the risk factor, summarise the three specific studies you have read and draw a conclusion about the research on your risk factor.
4. Provide the reference list using APA format.
NOTE: The word limit is 500 words. You can go up to 10% over without penalty. Marks will be deducted (5% ) if assignments are more than 10% over the word limit. In-text references and the reference list are excluded from the word count
Admin details:
1. The assignment is worth 8% of your final grade for the course.
2. The assignment is to be submitted online via the assignments folder on Myuni by 11.55PM Monday October 8th with grace period till 1.55PM Friday October 12. Late submission attracts a penalty of 5% per day (electronic submission on Monday after the Friday grace period carries a 5% penalty).
3. Requests for extensions will only be considered if they are made before the formal submission date. In other words, extensions are not granted for circumstances pertaining to the grace period so you continue to work on your assignment during the grace period at your own risk. All extension requests should be made on the university application form and submitted to the School Office
4. A discussion board forum has been set up for comments/ questions on this assignment. This forum is monitored by me (Lynn Ward). Questions about the specifics of the assignment should be posted their rather than emailed to me directly. To ensure student equity, help on completing the assignment via discussion board or from tutors is only available until the formal due date (Monday8th October). Students with extensions can email me (Lynn) directly after this time.


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