
Showing posts from August, 2017

Integrated marketing communication IMC(integrated marketing communications)

Subject: Integrated marketing communication IMC(integrated marketing communications) Communications Evaluation and application of the communication model Evaluate an IMC campaign for an Australian organisation you either work for or one for which you would like to work. The report should be a critique and application of the communication model (see Chapter 5 of Belch et al, (2014) for the theoretical model). Based on what you have learned and observed in this subject to-date and additional scholarly research ensure you include the following: Briefly provide a context for your discussion regarding the importance of understanding communication in IMC and identify the organisation you have chosen. Illustrate and discuss the theoretical communication model outlined by Belch et al, (2014). Using the communication model, critically evaluate your chosen organisations approach to IMC. As stated earlier, you can choose your organisation, but it must be well known. Applying what yo

VPN Technologies and Issues

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Unit Code MN610 Unit Title Virtual Private Networks Assessment Type Individual Assessment Title Assignment 1 - VPN Technologies and Issues Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) The purpose of this assignment is to review existing literatures on important VPN technologies and issues and write an article. The article must be specific to the given topics, use appropriate examples and detail of the topic given to develop a review paper. After the assignment, students are expected to learn not only the knowledge and current technical aspects of VPN but also research, data collection, analysis and writing skills, which are very important and help them for study. Weight 15% Total Marks 30 Word limit See the instructions Due Date 23 August (11:55PM Wednesday) T2-2017. Submission Guidelines • All work (including Part A and B) must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. • The assignment mus

Postgraduate Program HI5003 Economics for Business

DETAILED INFORMATION ON SUBJECT ASSESSMENTS Individual Paper Assessment criteria Due: Weighting: Length: Week 4 (FRI) BM Session 1 15% Maximum 1000 words ASSESSMENT 2 Postgraduate Program HI5003 Economics for Business x Explain how the above analysis supports your conclusion (1 to 2 paragraphs). 3) You may provide graphs/charts/diagrams where necessary to enhance your presentation style. 4) Students need to submit ONLY the Soft copy and upload on BB by that time. Marking Criteria 1) Critical thinking skills 2) Clarity of writing and ability to express your ideas 3) Ability to use economic concepts and theories in the context of the news article. 4) References at the end TOTAL 15% CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER FROM OUR WRITERS………………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS, GET A NON PLAGIARIZED PAPER FROM OUR EXPERTS……

Inappropriate choice of organisations/ poorly described/no organisations identified Identified and described one suitable organisation with some clarity Identified and described two suitable organisations with some clarity Identified and described two suitable organisations clearly

Individual Assignment Requirements Assessment Criteria Suggested word limit: 1000 words (±10%) Component Weighting: 20% Submission format: Soft copy of a Word.docx to be uploaded on Blackboard through 'Assignments and due dates' menu Important Please note: 1. Any assignments where plagiarism or collusion is detected will be awarded a mark of zero. You will need to contact your tutor if you wish to discuss this. 2. Failure to upload the correct document to the assessment link will result in late penalties being applied to documents which are later submitted for marking of that assignment. 3. SafeAssign takes at least 24 hours to return a report. If you wish to check your assignment prior to submission, please allow plenty of time to use the self-check before the final submission deadline arrives; SafeAssign not returning a self-check report WILL NOT be considered a valid reason for an extension. Assessment Description For weeks 3, 4 and 5, e-Learning materials have been

Within the Project Management discipline, there are a number of sectors, such as Engineering, Business, Administration and so on.

EPM5700 Project Management & Information TEchnology Individual Assignment 2017 The Problem and Background • Within the Project Management discipline, there are a number of sectors, such as Engineering, Business, Administration and so on. • Each category has its uniqueness and a number of Information Systems exclusive to each category has been made available in the market place over the years. These systems are not complete in all respects and still there is a lot of work to be done in the industry. • Managing projects requires, ideally, technology to support project processes in addition to Project Planning and Controlling. The Assignment and Deliverables • Each one of you is required to pick a sub-category of the Project Management industry or other areas of the sector in the industry. • Investigate various software available that support project processes for the specific category in ONE the following areas within the industry: • Stakeholder Management • Risk Management •

Identify and select an appropriate compliance program/management system

Details of Assessment Term and Year 3, 2017 Time allowed 4 weeks Assessment No 2 Assessment Weighting 50% Assessment Type Project Due Date Week No. 7 Room K 611 Details of Subject Qualification BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Subject Name Innovation Details of Unit(s) of competency Unit Code (s) and Names BBSBCOM603C Plan and establish compliance management systems BSBMGT608C Manage innovation and continuous improvement Details of Student Student Name College Student ID Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source. Signature: ___________________________ Date: _______/________/_______________ Details of Assessor Assessor’s Name Robert Cutuli / Nadioa Chowdhury Assessment Outcome Results 0 Satisfactory 0 Not Satisfactory Marks / 50 FEEDBACK TO STUDENT Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive improvements: _____________________________________

The manager of Queensland Healths computer network constructed the probability distribution for the number of interruptions to the system per day using historical data:

Please do pay extra attention to the decimal places and symbols. QUESTION 1 The manager of Queensland Healths computer network constructed the probability distribution for the number of interruptions to the system per day using historical data: Interruptions per day 0 1 2 3 4 or more Probability 0.35 0.3 0.1 0.06 ? Determine the probability that on a given day there are more than two interruptions to the system. __________(2 decimal places) QUESTION 2 The mean and standard deviation of a binomial distribution with n = 25 and p = 0.8 are 1. a) 20 and 4 b) 20 and 2 c) 21 and 2 d) 22 and 4 QUESTION 3 Ester Ltd. is planning to launch a new brand of makeup product. Based on market research, if yearly sales are high they can make a profit of $2.4 million. If yearly sales are mediocre they can make a profit of $1.2 million. Finally, if yearly sales are low they can lose $1.6 million. The probability that yearly sales will be high is 0.31 and the probability that yearly sales will be

William Blue College of Hospitality Management APM College of Business and Communication Code and Subject HRM101 Introduction to HRM and Leadership

Assessment Brief Program Bachelor of Business College William Blue College of Hospitality Management APM College of Business and Communication Code and Subject HRM101 Introduction to HRM and Leadership Assessment Assessment 2 - Portfolio Group or Individual Individual Learning Outcomes A,C, D and E Submission Date Week 10 Total Marks 100 marks Weighting 40% Assessment Brief: Students are required to complete a series of four tasks to be compiled into a Portfolio. The work completed will then serve as a record of your acquired understanding of Human Resources. Your Assessment should: 1. be submitted electronically via the Portal assessment items and submissions tab as a single portfolio 2. be correctly referenced (refer Student Resources tab of the learning Portal and skills learned in RAS101A). The portfolio is to be submitted in week 10 as a single portfolio. As you develop your portfolio, make sure you retain back-up copies until you are ready to submit all. Task 1: Defining Hum

Environmental/ social responsibility

Assessment Criteria Suggested word limit: 1000 words (±10%) Important Please note: 1. Any assignments where plagiarism or collusion is detected will be awarded a mark of zero. You will need to contact your tutor if you wish to discuss this. 2. Failure to upload the correct document to the assessment link will result in late penalties being applied to documents which are later submitted for marking of that assignment. Assessment Description For weeks 3, 4 and 5, e-Learning materials have been uploaded to Blackboard (see 'E-learning Activities' menu for these weekly activities) for review and application. Week 3 - What is Strategy Watch the video on the following link: (8:47) Week 4 - Business Model Innovation Watch the video on the following link: (8:22) Week 5 - CAGE framework Watch the video on the following link: (2:25 Choose two examples o

Demonstrate academic skills appropriate to the level of study.

ASSESSMENT BRIEF 2 Subject Code and Title BIZ101: Business Communications Assessment Part A: Proposal Part B: Report Individual/Group Individual or group Length Part A: Proposal: 600 words (+/- 10%) Part B: Report: 1,000 words (+/- 10%) Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes: a) Demonstrate academic skills appropriate to the level of study. b) Demonstrate research skills and referencing appropriate to the level of study. c) Critically analyse texts and/or multi-modal material in a business context. d) Identify and apply effective communication methods within a business and academic environment. e) Evaluate the use and importance of technology in presenting business communication. Submission Part A: Proposal By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 4 (Week 7) Part B: Report By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 5 (Week 9) Weighting Part A: Proposal: 20% Part B: Report: 30% Total Marks Part A: 100 marks Part B: 100 marks BIZ101_Assessment 2_Prop

FOI, Ombudsman and tribunal review of the administrative decision

Administrative Law Spring 2017 Research Assignment Marks, learning outcomes and assessment criteria This assessment is worth 30% of the final mark in this unit. The learning outcomes and assessment criteria are contained in the unit Learning Guide, pp 3-7. Submission and penalties Assignments must be lodged via Turnitin, and via hard copy at class or via the School of Law assignment box for Michael Head. Late assessments will be penalised by 10% per day (i.e., 3 marks per day). Word Limit The assignment is to be 3,000 words (plus or minus 300 words), including footnotes. Form of assignment The assignment is to be written as a submission to your law firm, setting out both (1) the relevant and strongest grounds of review and (2) the most advisable avenues of review available. There must be correct and full citations to the relevant legislation and case law, as per the Australian Guide to Legal Citation. Part 1: Non-judicial review This part requires advice on the availability of,

Postgraduate Program HI5003 Economics for Business

DETAILED INFORMATION ON SUBJECT ASSESSMENTS Individual Paper Assessment criteria : Weighting: Length: Week 4 (FRI) BM Session 1 15% Maximum 1000 words ASSESSMENT 2 Postgraduate Program HI5003 Economics for Business x Explain how the above analysis supports your conclusion (1 to 2 paragraphs). 3) You may provide graphs/charts/diagrams where necessary to enhance your presentation style. 4) Students need to submit ONLY the Soft copy and upload on BB by that time. Marking Criteria 1) Critical thinking skills 2) Clarity of writing and ability to express your ideas 3) Ability to use economic concepts and theories in the context of the news article. 4) References at the end TOTAL 15% CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER………………………NO PLAGIARISM  Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS, GET A NON PLAGIARIZED PAPER FROM OUR EXPERTS……

A quaint but well-established coffee shop, the Hot New Cafe, wants to build a new cafe for increased capacity

A quaint but well-established coffee shop, the Hot New Cafe, wants to build a new cafe for increased capacity. Expected sales are $800,000 for the first 5 years. Direct costs including labor and materials will be 50% of sales. Indirect costs are estimated at $100,000 a year. The cost of the building for the new cafe will be a total of $750,000, which will be depreciated straight line over the next 5 years. The firm's marginal tax rate is 37%, and its cost of capital is 12%. For this assignment, you need to develop a capital budget. It is important to know what the cafe managers should consider within their capital budget. You must also define the key terms necessary to understand capital budgeting. In this assignment, please show all work, including formulae and calculations used to arrive at financial values. You must answer the following: Using the information in the assignment description: Prepare a capital budget for the Hot New Cafe with the net cash flows for this

Japan Mexico India China Italy Germany Rows

The CEO has asked you and Jane to create a chart that he might use as part of his decision process in deciding what countries in which to locate overseas factories. He also wants an accompanying recommendation summary from an HR perspective. Prepare a 6-column, 5-row chart for the following countries and parameters: Columns (countries) are: Japan Mexico India China Italy Germany Rows (factors to research) for each country are: Average manufacturing wage Country's minimum wage Typical restrictive work rules where there are unions How unions enhance or detract from company results Country's unemployment rate It is unlikely that you will find all of the necessary data in one online database. Instead, you will have to research a number of different ones. In addition, in some cases you may have to make calculations from a "base=100" report to get an actual dollar figure. Ensure that you cite the references used, in proper APA format. Wikipedia is an unacceptable r

Criminological Theory and Statistics Instructions

Criminological Theory and Statistics Instructions, Cites Write a 700 word paper discussing the relationship between criminological theory and statistical data. Focus on how statistical data can be used to support or refute criminological Discuss the pros and the cons. Include at least two peer reviewed references. in Cites Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER………………………NO PLAGIARISM  Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts Criminological Theory and Statistics Instructions CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS, GET A NON PLAGIARIZED PAPER FROM OUR EXPERTS……