William Blue College of Hospitality Management APM College of Business and Communication Code and Subject HRM101 Introduction to HRM and Leadership

Assessment Brief
Program Bachelor of Business
William Blue College of Hospitality Management APM College of Business and Communication
Code and Subject HRM101 Introduction to HRM and Leadership
Assessment Assessment 2 - Portfolio
Group or Individual Individual
Learning Outcomes A,C, D and E
Submission Date Week 10
Total Marks 100 marks
Weighting 40%
Assessment Brief:
Students are required to complete a series of four tasks to be compiled into a Portfolio. The work completed will then serve as a record of your acquired understanding of Human Resources.
Your Assessment should:
1. be submitted electronically via the Portal assessment items and submissions tab as a single portfolio
2. be correctly referenced (refer Student Resources tab of the learning Portal and skills learned in RAS101A).
The portfolio is to be submitted in week 10 as a single portfolio. As you develop your portfolio, make sure you retain back-up copies until you are ready to submit all.
Task 1: Defining Human Resource Management
The role of human resources can be defined in many different ways. Your task is to select a business of your choice, preferably the company you currently work for or a company you have previously worked for. If you do not have previous work experience, select a company that has information readily available on its website or where you may have access to interview an employee.
Provide the following information;
• A brief description of the company – what they do and the size of the company in terms of employees
• A brief description of the type of employees with reference to Atkinson’s flexible firm model.
• Does it have a dedicated HR Department? If not, explain where the responsibilities for HR functions are situated in the company.
• What sort of approach to HR can you observe about the company?
• Consider the strategic human resource management model proposed by Nankervis et al (2014) – are there any roles that are not undertaken by the human resource team in your chosen company? For example, they may outsource some of the HR functions.
• At each of the different levels (strategic, operational and functional) describe the HR functions that are performed.
• A diagram may be useful to demonstrate the different HR roles and responsibilities in the organisation.
Task 2: Recruitment and selection
Search the journal database to locate a recent (post 2006) academic journal article that discusses recruitment and selection issues in Australia and one from another country. Compare and contrast the differences described in the journal articles.
Write a 500 word literature review of the journal article to include in your portfolio.
Task 3: Retention and development
Choose an industry you recently worked in (or are planning to work)
Option 1
Research the most common reasons that people stay in their jobs, i.e, what are the 'retention levers'? Be sure to use accurate, reliable sources.
Option 2
If your chosen industry is hospitality or another industry that suffers from high staff ‘wastage’ you may discuss the issues that relate to the high wastage.
Your response should demonstrate depth of research and high level of understanding of the issues relating to retention.
Write a one page response on either option 1 or 2.
Task 4: Performance management
Develop a performance management plan for a chosen position within an organisation.
• a copy of the job description and a brief overview of the company
• a detailed description of the most suitable type of performance review method
• a justification as to ‘why’ the chosen review method is the most suitable
• a table demonstrating you have identified some of the pros and cons of your chosen performance review method relevant to the specific position you have chosen. A copy and paste from another source is not acceptable.
Marking Criteria
• Responses are accurately and clearly communicated.
• Use of theoretical knowledge to support responses.
• Theory is supported with appropriate references that are cited correctly both in-text and in the reference list.
Note: The completed Portfolio will be graded using the following rubric
Responses are accurately and clearly communicated /50
41-50 31-40 21-30 11-20 1 - 10 0
Each task provides a direct and
accurate response
that is
communicated clearly with no grammatical or spelling errors Majority of tasks provide a direct and accurate answer to the question that is clearly
communicated with minor grammatical or spelling errors Majority of tasks provide a direct and accurate response but the communication lacks clarity OR has major grammatical or spelling errors Responses have an implied answer to the question asked but do not directly answer the question OR communication is poor with major spelling or grammatical errors Majority of tasks do not answer the
question asked AND
communication is unclear with minor spelling and grammatical errors. Majority of responses do not answer the question asked AND are not communicated
clearly with major spelling and grammatical errors
Theory used is accurately explained and applied to support responses /40
33-40 25-32 17-24 9-16 1-8 0
All responses to each task are supported with relevant theoretical knowledge that is explained correctly and integrated seamlessly into the response. All responses to question are supported with relevant theoretical knowledge that is explained correctly BUT not integrated well into the answer Majority of responses to questions are supported with relevant theoretical knowledge. Explanation of theory has minor errors or clarity issues, but integrated well in the answer Majority of responses to questions are supported with relevant theoretical knowledge that is explained with minor clarity issues and not integrated into the answer Majority of responses are NOT supported with relevant theoretical
knowledge OR
majority of theory used is explained incorrectly. No response to questions is supported with theoretical
knowledge OR Responses are supported with theoretical knowledge that is not relevant to the response OR explained incorrectly.
Theory is supported with appropriate references that are cited correctly /10
10 8 6 4 2 0
Both in-text and reference list citations are used perfectly according to the Think: Education standards In-text and reference list citations used accurately but have minor errors according to the Think: Education Standards. Referencing style used is used correctly but is not the referencing style required according to the Think: Education
In-text and reference list citations are present but do not follow a particular referencing framework Either in-text or reference list citations are not used. No in-text or reference list citations used.
Total mark / 100



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