
Showing posts from July, 2017

George Washington

George Washington

the american revolution and its consequences

the american revolution and its consequences

a paper that looks at the history of a particular animated series

a paper that looks at the history of a particular animated series

history of african american migration and gangs in chicago

history of african american migration and gangs in chicago


Which type of wornful interference tort was most likely the basis for this lawsuit? What are its elements and defenses? Should the defendant be held liable? Why or Why not?

Due process or Criminal Control models

Using either the Due process or Criminal Control models of criminal justice, agree or disagree with the  recent Supreme Court ruling of requiring warrants for GPS tracking in United States v Jones case.

Research Methods in Criminal Justice

which measures do you think the mean is a good measure of central tendency? For which measures is the mean less appropriate?

Anti-branding trend

Anti-branding trend

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Birth Outcomes

Why? Why did this impact you? Is there something about your chosen “summary point” that you can identify with? That you disagree/agree deeply with? That you feel passionately about? Why do you think we chose for you to read this? What do you think is the answer? Solving problems is crucial for public health. What can be done? Using the tools and theories that we have learned in lecture/discussion, how would you address the point that you have chosen to write about. Feel free to assume that you have unlimited resources to work with.

free healthcare

free healthcare

Steroids. Anitbiotics. Sprays. Are food manufacturers killing us?

Steroids. Anitbiotics. Sprays. Are food manufacturers killing us?



cultural problems, and nursing problems.

. Choose an interesting patient, one with cultural problems, and nursing problems. 2. Paper is the divided up into five sections. 3. The first section is your introduction. You will write about your patient and identify problems: a. Define the family b. Define the problem 4. The second section will be the part where you introduce the culture of the patient: a. National culture b. Culture within a setting ( such as a long term care facility) c. Medical culture 5. The third section of the paper has to deal with what type of care that you have given your patient. This will include a Nursing Diagnosis, Functional health pattern (these two must relate to one another), 4 Nursing Interventions with 4 rationales, and then an evaluation of the care. This section can be set up like: Functional Health Pattern: (Choose four different FHP’s from your “Problem” section) Nursing Diagnosis: (This must relate back to your Functional Health Pattern) Short Term Goal: Long Term Goal: This will be done 4 t

Information Systems

Self-reflection on beginning level practice as a registered nurse

Self-reflection on beginning level practice as a registered nurse Write journal entiries based on the following; competency communication confidence

an event or experience

Write an event or experience were you had to take care of your sick grandmother that helped you learn what is important to you? Tell why is it important

preventing teenage pregnancy

preventing teenage pregnancy

To what extend has the workplace changed in the last fifty years

To what extend has the workplace changed in the last fifty years Paper instructions: In order to check your writing skills you are asked to write a short sample paper that will show your level of English, ability to organize and express your thoughts, knowledge of citation style and your ability to perform a given task in a given time frame. ORDER THIS ESSAY HERE NOW AND GET A DISCOUNT !!!

boiled frog phenomenon

boiled frog phenomenon

Unitary Executive Theory

Unitary Executive Theory



Ads Arab censorship

Ads Arab censorship



if or not I feel vaccines cause autism

if or not I feel vaccines cause autism

Policy & Governance

Policy & Governance

Ishinomaki Theory

Ishinomaki Theory

File Sharing, Storage Server, Environments, and Configuration

1. File Sharing

Questions about Frankenstein

Questions about Frankenstein

A. Americans Abroad

A. Americans Abroad

illegal immagration

illegal immagration

Historic Fiction

Historic Fiction

Minnesota’s 8th District

Minnesota’s 8th District

the devil’s highway book

the devil’s highway book

music of history

music of history

Martin Luther

Martin Luther

Comprehensive health history and Physical

Comprehensive health history and Physical

What to do if my daughter was prenatally exposed to excess testosterone and has masculine appearing genitals

What to do if my daughter was prenatally exposed to excess testosterone and has masculine appearing genitals

“Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism” article by Heyworth (2011)

“Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism” article by Heyworth (2011)

Dillard, Orwell, and Abbey

Paying particular attention to Dillard, Orwell, and Abbey, share some observations about the pleasures and successes of “I Voice” writing, and if you can remember it, when (if ever) you were first told NOT to use an “I” in your writing.

Design Experiment Ecology

Design Experiment Ecology – effect of acid rain on plat growth Ecology, design an experiment to experiment with leaf color pigments to find out what the effect of acid rain on plant growth is

Substance use abuse.

Substance use abuse.

birthing methods

birthing methods

sex education

sex education Should sex education be increased in schools in an attempt to curb problems such as teenage pregnancy?

technology in historical time in Vietnam

technology in historical time in Vietnam discuss the following issues related to the industrialization of Vietnam: The factors that either aided or hindered industrialization, when and how the country became an industrialized nation. Vietnam is not an fully industrialized yet, explain why Vietnam is not fully industrialized. And how industrialization affected the traditional culture and political order of Vietnam (This part is crucially important; do not overlook it The research papers have to include: The 3 Phases: The reform phase, the revolutionary phase, fully industrial society, and post – industrial society. The 4 factors required for Industrialization: food, labor, world trade – capital, and natural resources. The 4 characteristics of a Fully – Industrialized society: factory system, urbanization, manufacturer > agriculture

technology in historical time in Singapore

technology in historical time in Singapore

Jacobs’s The Monkey’s Paw, Pushkin’s The Queen of Spades, and Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown

Analize the development of suspense in Jacobs’s The Monkey’s Paw, Pushkin’s The Queen of Spades, and Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown. Discuss the techniques which create the tension of ambiguity between two possibles outcomes, as well as the effect of

Jackie Robinson’s story

Jackie Robinson’s story

Chinese politics and government

Chinese politics and government

History and Political Science

History and Political Science

Women and their race in USA Media

Women and their race in USA Media

Upton Sinclair’s The Flivver King

Upton Sinclair’s The Flivver King Required Reading: The Flivver King, by Upton Sinclair, entire.

How the West was won

How the West was won

fossil fuel

fossil fuel

Political Culture Theory

Political Culture Theory



with out Islamic civilization, three could not have been European renaissance. discuss

with out Islamic civilization, three could not have been European renaissance. discuss

Algebra Review

Algebra Review (1) Imagine you are tutoring a classmate in the four algebraic processes. Define each process and provide an example of each. (2) FOIL is used to multiply binomials and factor trinomials. Provide an example of using the FOIL (first, outer, inner, last) method to multiply binomials and factor trinomials. Explain the relationship between simplifying expressions with parentheses and factoring.

Should conventional banks imitate the system which is applied in Islamic banks in order to avoid any crises in the future?

Should conventional banks imitate the system which is applied in Islamic banks in order to avoid any crises in the future? Should conventional banks imitate the system which is applied in Islamic banks in order to avoid any crises in the future? ORDER THIS ESSAY HERE NOW AND GET A DISCOUNT !!!

Current phenomenon of missionary from non western world

Current phenomenon of missionary from non western world

Stigma in HIV/Aids Family

Stigma in HIV/Aids Family Definition of Stigma Do I consider myself stigmatized AIDS related? What should I do with the stigma related to AIDS? Where should I go for help? Interventions to reduce stigma (evidence based) (details for each below topics) a) Written information on stigma b) Learning Strategies for handling negative attitudes c) Benefits counseling d) Community Resources for assistance e) Contact to interact (support groups, social worker, psychology, etc.) f) Strategies for managing stigma and discrimination g) Legal rights h) How to identify violation of rights


THE POSTMODERN MIASMA If the move frome less is more (Mies van Der Rohe)to less is a bore (Robert Ventum)and more is more(Robert Ventun)and more is more(Robert Stern)signals the rise of promo, and thus a deliberate (re) engagement with popular culture, historism, and the everyday,the question remains,what did pm do for architecture,and ongoing development?While the commentators like stern and venturi postmodernism enriched architectural work, increased intelectual,aesthetic and formal accesibility,provide multiple meanings,and facilitated better comminication for other critics , like Diene Ghirardo and Howard,caygill,it represented merely deceit and the retreat of the avant-garde. Drowing on awide range of sources both of the time and from more resent perspectives ,students are asked to present acrefully development response to the following questions: 1.what both at the time and in retrospect,do you believe were the intentions behind postmodernism,and how successfullydid it function a

Assignment (Chemistry subject)

Assignment (Chemistry subject)

Role of parenting for good health

Role of parenting for good health

Give one example of health-related data (a variable) that can be represented by a pie chart

1. Give one example of health-related data (a variable) that can be represented by a pie chart. Do the same for a bar chart and a histogram. Explain why each data example you selected (there will be a total of three different variables) is well represented by the corresponding graph.

one example of health-related data (a variable) that can be represented by a pie chart

Give one example of health-related data (a variable) that can be represented by a pie chart.  Do the same for a bar chart and a histogram.  Explain why each data example you selected (there will be a total of three different variables) is well represented by the corresponding graph

Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle Cell Anemia 20-40 slides that should include topic, interesting info about the paper written, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments of the disease with at least one video clip. Paper already written



summary of articles

summary of articles Lesbians and the gay movement in Argentina Sarda, Alejandra the politics of visibility and the GLTTTBI movement in Argentina Moreno, Aluminé Resisting Kirchner’s Recipe (Sometimes) Sarda, Alejandra

Advanced Practice Nursing Practice Framework

Advanced Practice Nursing Practice Framework

criminal justice policies

criminal justice policies

Synthesis Paper on capital punishment

Synthesis Paper on capital punishment

sentencing philosophies

sentencing philosophies Provide an overview of sentencing philosophies. In your opinion, which philosophy should be the goal or focus of today’s criminal justice system?

Frontline Private Security and the adequacy of licensing in the UK

Frontline Private Security and the adequacy of licensing in the UK

What main aspects and impacts of the Thirty-Years-War are reflected in Grimmelshausen’s “Adventures of Simplicius Simplicissimus”?

What main aspects and impacts of the Thirty-Years-War are reflected in Grimmelshausen’s “Adventures of Simplicius Simplicissimus”?

Meditation III, Descartes offers an argument for God’s existence

Format: You are to write a paper of approximately 1000 words on the topic below. It should have a title page on which you list a descriptive title (not, e.g., “Paper 1”), your name, your student number, your tutorial section number, and your TA’s name. Your paper must also include an abstract. This is a short (less than 50 word) summary that states your thesis and the rough structure of your paper. You should assume that your reader has not read your abstract when s/he reads the body of your essay. You may use lines directly from your abstract in your introduction or elsewhere. (The word count from your abstract is not part of the roughly 1000 words.) Outside sources and citations: I urge you not to use any outside sources, but I do not forbid it. However, if you do use outside sources, be sure to cite them properly. Be sure that you have read and understood everything on our “Avoiding Academic Dishonesty” page and the pages linked to it, and that you have done and understood the libra


Law a) summarize the history that led to this organization’s demise and forensically appraise the roles played by key stakeholders b) when and why did the warning signs of financial stress start to appear? c) in hind sight, how might principles of good corprate governance have prevented the collapse of this organisation?

Compare and Contrast Essay Law enforcement and Civilian organization

Compare and Contrast Essay Law enforcement and Civilian organization

Conflict Perspective

Conflict Perspective

rural communities and host developing countries

Can rural communities and host developing countries be industrialized at a fast rate by using stranded gas and abundant gas resources currently flared as part of oil production I need the front end of a research paper that captures the outline below for the following topic: I want it to capture the hypothesis I need to test with a focus on some journals. • Intro – 2 pages Can rural communities and host developing countries be industrialized at a fast rate by using stranded gas and abundant gas resources currently flared as part of oil production with the balance mostly targeted to the export market. It will need to touch on the feasibility and viability of host nations and indigenous companies participating in the development with support of financial institutions (Carbon Financing, Project Finance, Debt, Private Equity, Venture Capital etc) No need for abstract and executive summary for this paper. It should highlight the reason for studying it and the importance. • Literature Review


PRISONER REENTRY BACK TO THE COMMUNITY Instructions: 1) According to Seiter (the main textbook) prisoner reentry today is very different from prisoner reentry some decades ago. State and briefly discuss three ways in which issues facing prisoners reentering the community are different than they were in the past.

Viktor Frankl professes to have been influenced by both existentialism and psychoanalysis, but not Marxism.

Viktor Frankl professes to have been influenced by both existentialism and psychoanalysis, but not Marxism.

Eliezer’s Lost Childhood and the Image in the Mirror

Eliezer’s Lost Childhood and the Image in the Mirror Read Night by Elie Wiesel Read about Elements of Fiction at Your thesis support essay must be 500 words, typed, double spaced. Your essay must have an introduction, at least three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Do not retell the story! Use at least three correctly documented quotes, summaries, or paraphrases from Night. Note: Remember to enclose the exact words of your sources in “quotation marks.” Cite by author and page number in parentheses following each quote. Example (Wiesel 32).

the novel ” Frankenstein”

the novel ” Frankenstein”?

Carroll’s textbook

Based on the information you read in Carroll’s textbook, plus any other research you may conduct, who was/were the most important sex/sexuality researcher(s)? Explain your answer

Western Civilization 1

Western Civilization 1

Why the American Revolution was a war of ideology

Why the American Revolution was a war of ideology .Discuss why the American Revolution was a war of ideology and how the early colonist’s relationship with The Marquis de Lafayette influences this in finding success for “the cause?” Whay was this Frenchman so influential? In addition, choose one early “Founder” and discuss how their “personal” ideologies and/or life circumstances influenced their decision to become actively involved in the Revolution and cite 3 significant contributions they have made to the creation of the US government.

Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect

mportance of the Hellenistic Age as a period in world history.

mportance of the Hellenistic Age as a period in world history.

Specialization Research: Issues and Trends in Leadership and Organizational Change

Specialization Research: Issues and Trends in Leadership and Organizational Change

Why Abortion is Immoral

Why Abortion is Immoral , explain and evaluate (EEE) an argument that appears in Don Marquis’ ‘Why Abortion is Immoral’. In his paper, on page 199, he summarizes the argument of Paul Bassen. This assignment is asking you to perform EEE on Bassen’s argument. You should include a short introduction that briefly states what Bassen is trying to show in the argument. You should then paraphrase or quote Bassen’s argument that you will be performing EEE on. You should then formulate Bassen’s argument in premise-conclusion form, using numbered premises and indicating what rules are used when sub-conclusions are derived from premises. The argument you abstract should be valid.

Write about the facts and dangers of the Chemical “BPA” (bisephenol A)

Write about the facts and dangers of the Chemical “BPA” (bisephenol A)

Traumatology – treatment of musculoskeletal disorder with Chinese medicine

Traumatology – treatment of musculoskeletal disorder with Chinese medicine

Identification and analysis of DNA repair mechanisms that contribute to resistance against nucleoside analogues.

Identification and analysis of DNA repair mechanisms that contribute to resistance against nucleoside analogues. Referencing Requirements: Blagosklonny, M. 2005, “Carcinogenesis, cancer therapy and chemoprevention”, Cell Death & Differentiation, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 592- 602. Bunn, P.A.,Jr 1999, “Triplet chemotherapy with gemcitabine, a platinum, and a third agent in the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer”, Seminars in oncology, vol. 26, no. 1 Suppl 4, pp. 25-30. Deshpande, G.P., Hayles, J., Hoe, K.L., Kim, D.U., Park, H.O. & Hartsuiker, E. 2009, “Screening a genome-wide S. pombe deletion library identifies novel genes and pathways involved in genome stability maintenance”, DNA repair, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 672-679. Evan, G.I. & Vousden, K.H. 2001, “Proliferation, cell cycle and apoptosis in cancer”, Nature, vol. 411, no. 6835, pp. 342-348. Galmarini, C.M., Mackey, J.R. & Dumontet, C. 2002, “Nucleoside analogues and nucleobases in cancer treatment”, The lancet

Indian BPOs—Waking Up to the Philippines Opportunity

Indian BPOs—Waking Up to the Philippines Opportunity 1. What are the key points of the case?


research Describe the type of research the nurse discusses. identify all the steps in the research process that are discussed in the video. The nurse states “I believe I am the first one to describe this process in children.” Is she correct? Explain how you know.

Johns Hopkins Supplement

Johns Hopkins Supplement Johns Hopkins offers 50 majors across the schools of Arts and Sciences and Engineering. On this application, we ask you to identify one or two that you might like to pursue here. Why did you choose the way you did? If you are undecided, why didn’t you choose?

colonial regime

colonial regime

Offshore Outsourcing of Information Technology Services in European companies

Offshore Outsourcing of Information Technology Services in European companies

Biographical discussion of Toussaint L’Ouverture. Discuss his life and legacy.

Biographical discussion of Toussaint L’Ouverture. Discuss his life and legacy.

Examine the role of African Americans in the military from the American revolutionary war to the present.

Examine the role of African Americans in the military from the American revolutionary war to the present.

compare and contrast the development of the colonists of Virginia, the Puritans of Massachusetts, and the Native Americans of the Eastern Woodland Indian societies from about 1607 to about 1730

compare and contrast the development of the colonists of Virginia, the Puritans of Massachusetts, and the Native Americans of the Eastern Woodland Indian societies from about 1607 to about 1730

How are staff recruitment practices affecting Al Rayyan bank’s performance?

How are staff recruitment practices affecting Al Rayyan bank’s performance?

compare and contrast the development of the colonists of Virginia, the Puritans of Massachusetts, and the Native Americans of the Eastern Woodland Indian societies from about 1607 to about 1730

compare and contrast the development of the colonists of Virginia, the Puritans of Massachusetts, and the Native Americans of the Eastern Woodland Indian societies from about 1607 to about 1730

Write an essay on both of the questions below.

Write an essay on both of the questions below.

Thirty Years’ War

Thirty Years’ War



synthesis paper on capitol punishment

synthesis paper on capitol punishment

Roman Handweapons

Roman Handweapons



History of Spain

History of Spain How did religion impact relationships between different social groups in 15th-17th century “Spanish” society? Alternatively, in what way did religion undergird the political activity of Spaniards of this period? You may discuss the religious beliefs and activities of any or all of the religious minorities (Jews, conversos, Muslims, and Moriscos) in relation to a society dominated by Old Christians.

The Souls of Black Folk by Du Bois

The Souls of Black Folk by Du Bois

criminal justice public policy

criminal justice public policy

Contract Negotiations

Contract Negotiations

attitude of entitlement in american society

attitude of entitlement in american society

Reaction Paper: “Organic Center’s Charles Benbrook Reviews the Stanford Study”

Reaction Paper: “Organic Center’s Charles Benbrook Reviews the Stanford Study”

explain how the systems and institutions created by the U.S. Constitution and the way citizens are informed about and participate in policymaking both support and undermine democracy

explain how the systems and institutions created by the U.S. Constitution and the way  citizens are informed about and participate in policymaking both support and undermine  democracy In a 500 word essay, explain how the system and institutions created by the U.S. Constitution and the way citizens are informed about and participate in policymaking both support and undermine democracy. Be sure to consider in your answer some of the material covered in the course to date, including separation of powers, federalism, civil liberties, the media, political parties, interest groups, elections, and voting. Be sure that your essay is in APA format. It must have an abstract, introduction, body, and conclusion.

compare and contrast Cohens study of disorderly behaviour with that of Hall et al

compare and contrast Cohens study of disorderly behaviour with that of Hall et al

the rise of the Second Klan

the rise of the Second Klan

U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman Second Class

U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman Second Class

(except for Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream.” And President Reagan’s “Tribute to the Shuttle Challenger.)

(except for Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream.” And President Reagan’s “Tribute to the Shuttle  Challenger.)

History and Political Science,

History and Political Science,

children with exceptionalities

When working with children with exceptionalities from diverse backgrounds, whether in the school system or in a counseling setting, it is very important to both involve and provide support for the parents. A large part of this will be educating parents on the needs of their child and then providing them with resources that will help them to support and help their child. For your final project you will create a 15-20 slide PowerPoint presentation that will focus on educating and supporting parents in meeting the needs of their exceptional child. First you will need to choose an area of exceptionality that you will focus your presentation on. Examples of areas you can choose from are: • Learning disabilities • ADHD • Emotional/behavior disabilities • Communication Disorders • Multiple Disabilities • Traumatic and Acquired Brain Injury • Vision Loss • Physical and Health Disabilities • Gifted, Creative, and Talented

Obamacare: Is affordable healthcare a good or a bad bill for American

Obamacare: Is affordable healthcare a good or a bad bill for American

Prokaryotuc and eukarytotic cell & endocrine and exocine glands

Prokaryotuc and eukarytotic cell & endocrine and exocine glands

Health sciences and medicine

Health sciences and medicine

Instructions for Completing Case Study Answers

Instructions for Completing Case Study Answers 1. Use the same case study selected in module 2. 2. Answer the questions. 3. Format for the answers: • _Content must clearly answer the questions. If not clearly addressed, no points will be earned. Provide examples, rationale, and/or explanations to support your conclusions as appropriate. • _Use section/paragraph headings, i.e. Specific Nursing Intervention, Outcome Evaluation; paper should be no more than 2 double-spaced pages.

Evaluate a healthcare program

Evaluate a healthcare program

Polymicrobial condition or disease

Polymicrobial condition or disease

Who is the Client

Who is the Client? Client/Patient Rights Failure to Warn/Protect False Memories Liability In General Informed Consent Managed Care Record Keeping Sexual Misconduct. Gender/Sexual Orientation Geriatrics/Practice in skilled nursing facilities Chronic Health Problems/Operating in the behavioral medicine arena Racial/Ethnic/Cultural/Linguistic Issues HIPAA Internet/electronic media Consent to treatment by a child Prohibitions against Disclosure Authorized and Mandated Disclosure Child and Elder Abuse Mandated Reporting Laws Dual Relationships (non-sexual boundary violations) Parents Access to Children’s Records Child Custody Evaluations Fraudulent Billing Practices Comparison of State Practice Acts Privileged Communication Aspirational Principles Ethical issues with HIV+ clients and other infectious diseases controlled by health department guidelines Psychologists and medication (consultation and prescription) Ethical issues in family and marital therapy Ethical issues in Supervision Ethic



Indoor radon exposure is associated with lung cance

You are interested in knowing whether or not indoor radon exposure is associated with lung cancer. You design a __________ study consisting of patients with lung cancer and neighborhood matched controls. You then collected radon levels in the households of each case and control and classify the level as “elevated” or “not elevated” according to a standard definition. A. What type of study design is this? B. What measure of association would you use?

Legalization of Gay Marriage

Would Legalization of Gay Marriage Be Good for the Gay Community

The Aegean World and the Rise of Greece: Trade, War, and Victory

The Aegean World and the Rise of Greece: Trade, War, and Victory

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice -Write The article on criminal justice picked out on

Internation trade law

Internation trade law

A Day in the Life – Unit 8 Project

A Day in the Life – Unit 8 Project

Criminal Domestic

Criminal Domestic

the risks behind children of affluence

the risks behind children of affluence

several product divisions or strategic business units

several product divisions or strategic business units


technology to work on Statement of Reasearch – What are the challenges, benefits and concerns in teaching with iPads (or technology) in an early years’ classroom and how do you prepare teachers.

Events that led to the Civil War

Events that led to the Civil War

Country Risk Analysis-Hyundai Motor Brazil

Country Risk Analysis-Hyundai Motor Brazil

the environmental effects of using nuclear energy and coal energy ( detailed instructions are provided )

A comparison of the environmental effects of using nuclear energy and coal energy ( detailed instructions are provided ) Instructions: Your task is to compare the environmental and public health impact of one energy source for the production of electricity with the effects of coal (choose from nuclear, natural gas, hydro, solar, wind, geothermal or biomass). Assuming now a significant contribution of this technology to electricity production (assume production of 10% of US electricity production by your energy source, if currently lower), what health effects and environmental damage would be expected at that level of energy production? Note that if you choose solar, wind or other technologies currently below 10% you would have to describe how that increase is to be achieved (how many wind turbines, how great an area of solar panels, what solar technology, etc.)

“Lester Leaps In”

“Lester Leaps In”


Auditing Section A

Two famous historical figures. comparison-contrast essay

Two famous historical figures. comparison-contrast essay The focus of this essay will be comparison-contrast. Write a comparison-contrast essay discussing the differences between two famous historical figures. Focus on specific similarities and differences. Feel free to use specific examples from different spheres of influences, like music, film or literature, but be sure that they are analogous. Some things you might want to think about: • What are the backgrounds of the individuals? • Where are they from? • Discuss their achievements and accolades. • What is the public perception of these people?



Wharton’s The Age of Innocence and Hurston’s Their Eyes

Wharton’s The Age of Innocence and Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God each portray different parts of American society and could each be said to include “society” as a character. How does each book conceive of the idea of society? Instructions: Complete Prompt: Wharton’s The Age of Innocence and Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God each portray different parts of American society and could each be said to include “society” as a character. How does each book conceive of the idea of society? Who is included or excluded from each author’s society? How do these two authors show society shaping the course of events? What do you think each author is arguing about the role of society? Use close readings from at least 2 passages in each text to support your argument.

Foundations of Health and Lifespan Development minor assignment

Foundations of Health and Lifespan Development minor assignment provide an overview of some empirical research that has been conducted on a risk factor for the development of depression. The assignment requires that you identify a risk factor, and locate and summarise 3 relevant empirical studies on that risk factor. The skills we want you to develop and demonstrate are: • The ability to conduct a literature search to locate empirical studies. • The ability to structuring a short written piece of work. • The ability to write a clear and concise summary of a research paper by picking out the main points and presenting them in you own words (You need to take care not to plagiarise the authors’ words). Completing the assignment 1. Identify a risk factor for the development of depression. 2. Locate, download and read three journal articles that present an empirical study on the risk factor for depression that you have identified. Note: you are required to find and summarise three journal a

Practical report

Practical Briefing

Health sciences and medicine

Health sciences and medicine, Annotated Bibliography



Anthrax and Ricin

Anthrax and Ricin

Global criminology

Global criminology

Mental Health Effects on Police Officers

Mental Health Effects on Police Officers Description of the Topic (with historical component) Scope of the problem/Issue/Topic including statistics/facts Both sides of an issue Cross-Cultural Comparisons Learning Outcomes, Findings, Solutions, Summary & Conclusion 2 Graphs or Charts

nursing research and professional practice

nursing research and professional practice

medical storyboard presentation

medical storyboard presentation Develop a 15- to 20-slide, multimedia Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation draft that storyboards one of the following:

Health sciences and medicine, Assignment

Health sciences and medicine, Assignment

Cultural Diversity in Criminal Justice

Cultural Diversity in Criminal Justice •What would be another theory and strategy to avoid stereotyping individuals in the criminal justice system? ?Is there a legitimate reason to consider labeling theory a legitimate crime causation theory? Why? •In your opinion, where do gangs fit in the 3 influential versions of cultural deviance theory? Why? •Which one of the two theories would you use to explain the following problem: ?The number of youths joining gangs in the inner city has doubled, while the number of gang leaders serving time in prison and being released after good conduct has increased. The crime rate for gang violence has risen 20% from last year

symptoms associated with Alzheimers

describe the symptoms associated with Alzheimers, discuss the the role of neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plagues, in the development of the disease and highlight regions of the brain most affected by this disease

Criminal justice

Criminal justice Identify specific examples in the language of the text to support your position. •Examine some of the arguments used by the framers of the Constitution while debating the language of the document. •Include any philosophical underpinning that might have influenced the thinking of the framers of the Constitution.

Walt Minnick (Ddaho)

Walt Minnick (Ddaho)

Cultural Diversity in Criminal Justice

Cultural Diversity in Criminal Justice •What would be another theory and strategy to avoid stereotyping individuals in the criminal justice system? ?Is there a legitimate reason to consider labeling theory a legitimate crime causation theory? Why? •In your opinion, where do gangs fit in the 3 influential versions of cultural deviance theory? Why? •Which one of the two theories would you use to explain the following problem: ?The number of youths joining gangs in the inner city has doubled, while the number of gang leaders serving time in prison and being released after good conduct has increased. The crime rate for gang violence has risen 20% from last year.

Jonathan Swift’s “A modest Proposal” i

Jonathan Swift’s “A modest Proposal” i “One of the most famous “proposals” is Jonathan Swift’s “A modest Proposal” in which he suggests consuming Irish children as a way to solve a famine. Swift’s intent was to draw attention to the desperation of the Irish, while shaming absent English landlords. ”

Taxi App Consumer Behavior Phenomenon Analysis

Taxi App Consumer Behavior Phenomenon Analysis When a small and young start-up born in 2010-Hailo-manages to find $20 Millionin investment in less than 2 years after it has been trading,you begin to understand that behind this are a magical combinationof factors that have made the success of others small start- ups in the past: a good and usable idea, a need in the market and viral expansion –in this case in the form of a mobile App.

Measurement error

Measurement error Write a one page paper describing how measurement error was an issue for the Bargh, Chen, and Burrows (1996) study looking at whether priming concepts of old age caused people to walk out of the room more slowly. How was this issue addressed in the replication study by Doyen et al. (2012), and what was the result? ORDER THIS ESSAY HERE NOW AND GET A DISCOUNT !!!


ADVERTISING ASSIGNMENT A ONE PAGE ESSAY. Write a reflection paper discussing three concepts you found most interesting in the MRKT 302-ADVERTISING course. You should provide specific examples in your reflection. The paper should be A ONE PAGE ESSAY WITH REFERENCES ORDER THIS ESSAY HERE NOW AND GET A DISCOUNT !!!

Texas faces a demographic transition

Texas faces a demographic transition: a steadily greater proportion of the population is of Hispanic origin. What means might be used by people currently in positions of power to make sure that no fundamental shift in the distribution of power take placea

Information of JADE from Neolithic period to Han dynasty

Information of JADE from Neolithic period to Han dynasty



U.S. Imperialism?

U.S. Imperialism?

Historic Relevance of the Odyssey

Subject: History and Political Science, Book Report/Review ( number of bids: 3 )

Thomas Moore and his philiospy of the economy growth

thomas moore Write a review of Thomas Moore and his philiospy of the economy growth. Cover all the important points in your summaries. In your critique tell me at least three ideas of the man that you agree with and why. Do the same with three ideas with which you disagree. If you agree with every idea then do six ideas you agree with or any combination of ideas you agree or disagree with as long as they total to six. Tell me exactly what you agree or disagree with and why. Be specific in your comments

Borderlands: Pakistan and Afghanistan and how they are applied to the Durand line

Borderlands: Pakistan and Afghanistan and how they are applied to the Durand lineSTEP3….Prepare an  explain the spatial geography and use theories in the INTRODUCTION!!! This is an abbreviated overview of the PROBLEM and its context. The PROBLEM to be investigated and its relevance. An introduction to the geographical region, context, and scale of research. (2 pages for introduction). STEP 4….STATEMENT OF NEED-THE PROBLEM. What is the larger problem? Why is the problem important? What is YOUR research problem? Why is it important? STEP 5….FRAMING THE PROBLEM WITHIN GEOGRAPHIC METHOD. Where is THE PROBLEM located and why there. Provide a map(use a map from USGS PLEASE)! What are the geographic dimensions of your study area? Provide a map. What are the temporal dimensions? What are the connections and hypothesized connections of the problem with local, regional, and global processes? STEP 6…SPECIFIC indication of the expected outcomes of the project, usually stated as goals and objective

HEMINGWAY AND JAMES Compare and contrast James’s and Hemingway’s depictions of American women abroad.

HEMINGWAY AND JAMES Compare and contrast James’s and Hemingway’s depictions of American women abroad. Instructions:

Western Civilization.

Western Civilization.

Health Care Organization and Delivery

Health Care Organization and Delivery





Discuss the clinical features and diagnostic tests for Infectious mononucleosis

Discuss the clinical features and diagnostic tests for Infectious mononucleosis Instructions:

disease or disorder

disease or disorder

Healthcare Business Unit’s Startegy

Development of a Healthcare Business Unit’s Startegy

Health sciences and medicine,

Health sciences and medicine,

Synopsis on a case study of colorectal cancer

Synopsis on a case study of colorectal cancer

Compare and contrast the ways that racism and discrimination impacted the development of African American music culture

Compare and contrast the ways that racism and discrimination impacted the development of African American music culture

how diabetes affects the body

how diabetes affects the body Describe the process, step-by-step. It have to be understandable to general audition(non scientific audition) and easy to understand

The trial of the Nazi war criminal Adolph Eichmann

The trial of the Nazi war criminal Adolph Eichmann and whether you agree with Hannah  Ardent’s ‘Banality of Evil’ as an explanation for what he did (and possibly why the holocaust happened) reading Hannah Ardent’s “Eichmann is Jerusalem”. THE QUESTION:

terrorist organization

Complete a research paper in which you will give an overview of a terrorist organization. Research a terrorist organization that affects national security both domestically and abroad. Discuss the group’s history, strengths, weaknesses, composition and how it has affected the United States. This terrorist group can either be domestic or international.

Compare and Contrast Theories of Focused and Divided Attention

Compare and Contrast Theories of Focused and Divided Attention