
Showing posts from May, 2017

Effects of Caligula’s Reign to the Jews

How did Caligula’s reign on Rome effect the Jewish Community in Rome, Judaea and Galilee………?

Ibn Battuta

What were some of the social conditions and mechanisms that enabled Ibn Battuta to journey for more than 20 years, from Spain to China?

competitive firm

Assignment competitive firm

revenue expenditures and capital expenditures

revenue expenditures and capital expenditures



United States public health officials should address mortality risks associated with illicit drug use.

Arbitration and Mediation in China

Arbitration and Mediation in China


Health promoting

Teaching plan for Mrs. Lucas on the use of an incentive spirometer to prevent post- operative respiratory complications, following mitral valve replacement



Directors’ liability and shareholders protection

Board of directors governs all business corporations. Directors are not agents of the corporation as characterized by some people since of individual director can act in a way bind the corporation but the board collectively can bind the corporation. The number of directors in an organization is subject to statutory limitations with this number having been historically set as three directors. However, this has been revised with the Revised Model Business Corporation Act Section 8.01 allowing for corporations with less than fifty employees to eliminate the board of directors as noted by  Al-Salloum (2011). Directors have the role of management in a corporation performing various responsibilities that include the declaration of the dividends to be paid to the shareholders and authorize for major corporate policy and financial decisions. Directors appoint, supervise and remove corporate officers and managerial employees and determine their compensation.









Discrimination complaint in an employment scenario is based on varied factors such as recruitment process, promotions, training, awarding and many others. These can further be influenced by differences in religion beliefs, race, variations in age, gender, color and/ country of origin. In John’s case, we assume one of these factors influenced his decision to seek legal justice against his employer. According to (EEOC) discrimination on age is forbidden for persons of age forty and over who are protected by Act on Age Discrimination in employment. Factors such as health conditions and disability which has protection under Disabilities Act 1990 can not be construed as incapacity to perform within work environment, hence the law acts upon such discrimination (EEOC, 2011). This also apply to the other factors since they do not hinder performance levels of an employee, lest discriminated upon which is unlawful. For protection, John may be seeking legal action against racial discrimination; h

Intelligence failure

Discuss what is the  Intelligence failure…………………


Discuss about the merchant banks……………………….


Main Source:   Elliot J. Gorn, Randy Roberts, Terry D. Bilhartz, Constructing the American Past: A Source Book of a People’s History , Volume One, Seventh Edition, New York: Pearson Longman, 2011. (Chapter 7 – Use primary documents)   Other sources:   Go to the Library of Congress’ online exhibit on the life of Thomas Jefferson:  View the entire exhibit but especially the section on Establishing a Federal Republic.  Watch the words taken from an actual campaign document in 1800 shown in the style of a modern political commercial:  Read Jefferson’s First Inaugural Address:  Look at the essays at the Miller Center on Jefferson’s presidency:  •&????;Campaigns and Elections  •&????;Domestic Affairs  •&????;Foreign Affairs  Read about the Lewis and Clark expedition at these sites:   http://w


Give history of British and India…………………..

Historical Analysis Paper

Historical Analysis Prompt A well-researched historical analysis of a problem. This should build on the current situation and historical context of the problem that was briefly outlined in your Research Proposal.  Your essay must have a focused thesis that outlines your perspective on the primary scientific, cultural, financial, societal, and/or political events, trends, and/or perceptions that have shaped the history of your problem; the body of the paper must demonstrate that you understand what shaped the current problem. WARNING: do not include historical moments without a purpose. Your essay should be thesis-driven, focused, descriptive, specific, logical, and targeted to academic readers. Between the time when you write the research proposal and the time when this essay is due, you will have had a chance to continue researching and reading about your topic; therefore, significant revision and expansion of your proposal is expected and required for a superior grade on this assignm

The Medical Corps in the Korean War

McCall, Susan. Lessons Learned by Army Nurses in Combat: A Historical Review. Carlisle Barracks, PA, 1993. Olive-Drab, “Helicopter Evacuation: Korea.” Accessed July 30, 2012. The 45th Surgical Web Site, “8076th MASH History.” Accessed August 1, 2012. The American Red Cross, “The American Red Cross and the Korean War.” Accessed August 5, 2012. Paper must be in Chicago style, including footnotes.

Bridging Cultures

Please find me information about Sweden and Poland.  Please have a look on the attached file and finish my speech presentation by completing the information with your own words most the information are there already on the attached files and on this web site but I need you to wright the information again but in your own words and you need to redo the 4 points of cultural dimensions which are power distance, individualism, uncertainty avoidance index, masculinity explain them in your own words also and then talk about the 4 points and related them to Sweden and Poland cultures and show the deference between each culture in those points for example the deference in masculinity between Sweden and Poland cultures what are they?




Background information





Current Developments of Major Histocompatibility Complexes and their Importance in Transplantation

Pathophysiology of a Disease



Discuss about the  CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL LAW……………..

International Trade Law

Discuss abot the  International Trade Law………….

Select a criminal justice agency, and review the influence of technology on the agency.

Select a criminal justice agency, and review the influence of technology on the agency. Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® or PREZI ® presentation in which you include the following: A description of the use of technology by the selected agency: for example, the use of computers, smartphones, and social media An evaluation of how technology has enhanced the critical-thinking skills used by the agency An assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of using technology with creative thinking within criminal justice agencies in the 21st century Your recommendations as to the use of technology to help the use of critical- and creative-thinking skills within the agency. CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER………………………NO PLAGIARISM  CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS, GET A NON PLAGIARIZED PAPER FROM OUR EXPERTS…… Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts.

Inter-professional Collaboration

This refers to the degree which diverse professionals of healthcare institutions work in unison to ensure that they provide quality and effective healthcare services, how they communicate efficiently and solve problems to effectively take care of patients and avoid accidents that could be avoided. It is defined by its characteristics which are: its being charitable and voluntary, an indirect way to efficiently deliver services, gain professional relationships and trust with both patients and coworkers sharing goals and collective responsibility and most of all its being confidential and from within the individual (Zwarenstein, Goldman and Revees, 2009). It has been shown to enhance professional familiarity and aptitude thus improving the inter-professional communication and increasing the availability of resources within the healthcare centers. It has also increased the understanding, respect and expertise on the role of health experts thus helping to develop good leadership, teamwork


The Lands Acquisition Act 1989 (C?th) and the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 (NSW). Explain how to tell which of these two laws should be used for a particular compulsory land acquisition? Compare and contrast the similarities and differences in the areas of acquisition procedures and compensation in these two laws?



Differentiating and Comparing World Legal Systems In the Context of International Commercial Disputes

1) Discuss the probable affect of actual litigation of private international commercial disputes and the enforceability of outcomes in each system (in the form of enforceable judgments) as a means of dispute resolution. do these systems enhance or make dispute resolution more difficult.. In particular, pay attention to the concepts of comity, sovereign immunity and acts of state.   2) Analyze the problem of litigating private international commercial disputes and suggest ways of attempting to “harmonize” these differences into a workable environment for dispute resolution.

Decision Paper Homeland Security

You will write a Decision Paper (DP) on a Homeland Security topic (Must use the provided Reference only: See the REFRENCE Section). The paper must be carefully and concisely written, with good support for your position. The paper should not be more than 1,200 words in length (Arial font, size 12, double space).   Write a Decision Paper that provides two (2) options (given below) for Command, Control, Cooperation and Coordination (C4) necessary to achieve unity of effort (UoE) in a specific type of Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) event. The specified event would entail a no-notice or little-notice complex catastrophe that spans multiple states and involves forces from multiple services, components (Active Component, National Guard, Reserves) and status authorities (Titles 10, 32, etc), e.g., a major hurricane or earthquake.   Your paper’s options should involve DOD employing a Task Force (TF) commanded by a dual status commander (DSC), .i.e. Active component or National Guar

Legal Drinking Age

What are the consequences of alcohol use on the individual health??

Research Methods Questions

This assignment is to answer coursework questions that follow each weekly reading.  I have broken down each week for you to know what chapters the answers should be from.  Also, I’ve included scholarly readings that the instructor has provided for us to also use as additional support.  Please see the attachment on the requirements to cite.  While there is no minimum number of sources to cite, each question should cite the required textbooks and attachments provided along with whatever else can support the argument.  Please label each question with the week and letter it is associated with, for example, week 5 question C should be labeled “5C”.  There are 18 total questions, all are highlighted in this document.  Each question should be at least a half a page single spaced in 12 font utilizing the APA style.

contract law

ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION 1 On December 1st, Alan offered to sell 200 filing cabinets to Brenda at £50 per cabinet.  Alan said the offer was open for one week only and would end on Friday 7th December at 12.00pm.  The next day Brenda phoned Alan’s mobile phone to ask what discount he would offer if she bought 800 cabinets.  Alan’s phone was switched off so Brenda left the message on his voice-mail answering service. Later that day, having realised what a good deal Alan’s offer was, Brenda sent a fax message to Alan telling him to ignore the voicemail message sent earlier in the day and to accept her offer to buy 200 filing cabinets at £50 each.  Before Alan read the faxed message, he listened to Brenda’s voicemail message.  Alan then phoned Charlie, who accepted Alan’s offer to sell immediately.  On Saturday 8th December David, who was told of the offer by Brenda on December 1st, posted a letter to Alan’s factory accepting the offer to buy 200 cabinets at £50 each. Advise Brenda an

Differentiating and Comparing World Legal Systems In the Context of International Commercial Disputes

1) Discuss the probable affect of actual litigation of private international commercial disputes and the enforceability of outcomes in each system (in the form of enforceable judgments) as a means of dispute resolution. do these systems enhance or make dispute resolution more difficult.. In particular, pay attention to the concepts of comity, sovereign immunity and acts of state.   2) Analyze the problem of litigating private international commercial disputes and suggest ways of attempting to “harmonize” these differences into a workable environment for dispute resolution.

Quality Management in radiology department

This assignment requires students to discuss the what, why and how of a quality management plan. The aim of the plan that students develop, is to prevent any further occurrence of the problem presented in the discipline specific scenario presented to students. An 8 years old girl has fallen from an imaging table. Her wrist is deformed and a fracture is demonstrated on x-ray. Her parents have arranged to see your manager to make an official complaint. This problem has occurred 3 times in the same room with the same staff. Your department is understaffed and under resourced with a poor maintenance programme. Outline the what, why and how of quality management plan that could be used for preventing any further occurrence of the problem outlined  …………

An essay wherein you will consider starting a business in the United States or in another nation.

Write a two to three page essay wherein you will consider starting a business in the United States or in another nation. In your essay indicate which type of entity (format)you would use to operate your business. State the advantages of the business format you have chosen. ………….

Legal studies (L)

Write a short passage of not more that 300 words on the purpose and operation of the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (AGLC.) Within this passage you must use a quote, and fully reference it. You must also paraphrase paragraph 19.1 from Laying Down The Law 8th edition in not more than 50 words. You must also use references from three other sources and correctly reference these in accordance with the instructions from the AGLC. Must use case in Australia. …………….

Capital punishment

What is capital punishment?

Program planning

Write a literature review focusing  on Down’s syndrome in giving critical analysis of the similarities, disagreements and gaps of research on the special education programs for the mentally disabled learners. ……..

Sports Specific Resource


Strategic Decision Making in Health

7323PBH Strategic Decision Making in Health – Assignment: Case Study Essay

Treat eating disorder

I have an essay on eating disorders where i have to go online and i may review 2 online sources, such as chat rooms, discussion boards, and/or blogs  has a great treatment finder.   and Write a minimum two-page reaction paper for each meeting. Include date, time and location of meeting, how you found the meeting, your thoughts and feelings prior to attending the meeting, the format of the meeting, general topics covered at the meeting, your feelings and reactions to the meetings and whether or not you would refer clients to these meetings 2 pages minimum per meeting so four pages in total . You also have to fill in a form with these questions that will be sent to you + the syllabus if the writer has additional questions ………………….

the relationship of integrating simulation technology in undergraduate nursing programs and nurse educators’ instructional practice

Data collection- techniques use and rationale for usinng each, including a comparison to other techniques that could have been used. Kind of data to be collected and rationale for the kind of data  discussion reflects the kind of data which will be collected, as well as appropriateness to research desing and dissertation problem.  peer review resourses or books  intext citation…………………………………….



Challenges to Emergency Management

create a 5-slide PowerPoint presentation on what you believe are the largest challenges facing emergency managers in the Unnited States today and your solutions to the challenge………..


Prepare a report to:  explain how to tell which of these two laws should be used for a particular compulsory land acquisition. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences in the areas of acquisition procedures and compensation in these two laws…………………….

death penalty

The writer needs to find out if the death penalty can be requested on a woman who has more than 10 abortions – in the state of maryland  and what shlould be done?

UK Equity and Trusts Law

Materials for Question 1

Marketing Segmentation and Customer Loyalty

“Marketing Segmentation” Please respond to the following:  A new group of primary care physicians have decided to locate in a suburb of Washington, D.C. Having had some primary market research conducted of the area, the research characterized the community as comprising primarily of Boomers, Gen Xers, and a significant number of Gen Yers white-collar workers, all employed by high-tech consulting firms who work in the outer belt that surrounds Washington, D.C. Discuss the implications of this market profile in terms of how: 1) The office setting might be configured 2) The office scheduling and hours might be constructed 3) A plan might be developed to make the market aware of the new group opening its practice   Developing Customer Loyalty” Please respond to the following:  For many years, health care organizations, as well as traditional businesses, have often struggled in frustration that high scores in satisfaction do not necessarily lead to higher levels of profitability or sales. 1

Organized Crime

Debate the Pros and Cons of the RICO statute.

Economic activity in the global

Account for the power of trade marks (and the brands that they signify) to attract customers to marked products and explain how his power has contributed to the evolution of brand-based marketing as a distinct form of economic activity in the global econo………………

International banking and payment

Discuss about international banking and payment ………………..

Final paper

This paper should be written on the subject of Depression

Fat and Water-Soluble Vitamins

Objective of Exercise Research the functions, importance, and role of fat- and water-soluble vitamins.  Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in APA format that includes a title page, detailed summary and separate reference page. Address the following in your paper:  • Identify the vitamin classification. Why are vitamins an important part of daily nutrient intake?  • What are fat-soluble vitamins? What are high nutrient sources of these vitamins?  • What are the functions, benefits, deficiency risks, and toxicity risks of fat-soluble vitamins?  • What are water-soluble vitamins? What are high nutrient sources of these vitamins?  What are the functions, benefits, deficiency risks, and toxicity risks of water-soluble vitamins? ………………..


Write a paper about a specific political decision made and how that decision affected business in general, as well as a specific business……………………..

Quantitative Research Methods for Social Health Science

MY Quantitative Research Methods question is ( Do international student cope with stress of studying ehile living in Australai ? )   International Students’ Choices for Support Groups and Communication Media  Fan Gao, University of Hawai‘i at M?noa  Rie Narui, University of Hawai‘i at M?noa  Gary Fontaine, University of Hawai‘i at M?noa   RQ1.1: How often do international students communicate with family members, friends, and professionals to help reduce stress?   RQ1.2: When communicating with friends to help reduce stress, how often do international students communicate with (1) friends who are not in the host country with them, (2) friends from their home country who are in the host country with them, (3) American friends who are with them, and (4) friends from other countries who are in the host country with them.   RQ1.3: When communicating with family members, friends, and professionals to help reduce stress, how often do international students use: (1) F2F, (2) letters, (3) tele

Current status of vaccine development against multidrug resistant tuberculosis

ASSIGNMENT AND SEMINAR TOPICS FOR VACCINE SCIENCE Topic for the seminar is:   Current status of vaccine development against multidrug resistant tuberculosis


topic: Priority Areas of National Action: Transforming Healthcare quality (2003) (an IOM report) Follow instructions and resources as they are uploaded with the order

Genogram Paper

Your family paper will demonstrate your command of Bowen concepts and the process of doing genogram work. Read through the following instructions and organize the final paper in the same order and with the headings shown here. You may download and use the Family Paper Template from Blackboard to assist you with formatting this assignment. I. Pick 2 Themes of Focus. Tell me why you chose these two themes. You will be writing about how these themes are present in different parts of your family. Common themes to focus on include education, disease, geographic location, profession, marriage/partnering, family formation choices, childrearing/discipline practices, etc. You are not limited to just these themes. If you have an idea for a theme and are not sure whether or not it is appropriate, please feel free to discuss it with me over e-mail. II. Theme questions. To answer part II, you will need to interview members of your family about each of the above themes and consider their responses.

Personal Statement for Medical Residency in Surgery

I want personal statment for medical residency in Surgery. Personal statement length should be 550-600 words. I’ ve written a draft upto 500 myself but I need to sit down with you or feedback from you for expert editing and some addition from you as well. 1. 400-600 words maximum- one page with some blank space at the bottom  2. The first paragraph is the most important because this is what program directors read. – First sentence should be eye-catching, related to your specialty. Don’t write a joke but write something that draws some smile on program director face. – Then continue writing what made you interested in specialty and – what particular things attract you to this specialty. 3. Second paragraph- what are you looking for in a residency program? – Also show your strength and characteristics here to show that you are compatible with this type of profession. – Mention what you can contribute to program (rounds, teaching, manner, on-calls)  3. Third paragraph- what are you expect

International sale contract

Discus about international sale contract ………………………….




Should Internation Foreign Law and Global Considerations shape Supreme Court Rulings?

international business law

could u please make foot notes for reference as well .. and separate answer five questions u also can make some several part to explain more clearly for each question

Caring for the individuals with dementia

Discuss on how to care for the individuals with dementia……………………

Organized Crime

Debate the Pros and Cons of the RICO statute. This paper should be a minimum of five (5) pages and utilize a minimum of three (3) sources.  In addition to your five (5) page paper, you will need a Cover page and Reference page…………

National Prevention Effort

Discuss about the National Prevention Effort…………..?


Discuss how health care workers can best reconcile their obligation to protect patient privacy and maintain confidentiality in light of criminal activity by the patient…………….

Statistical Information

Discuss the Uses of statistical Information ?

Clinical Colloquium Course Summary on Preventive Care

Write a  summary of the major points/information gleaned from materials reviewed during the Clinical Colloquium course, and how the information may contribute to the development of your capstone project…………..?

Doctors and Patients

Should Doctors Be Required to Release the Names of Patients Who Test Positive for AIDS…………….?

Response to Biopsychosocial Assessment

Discuss a proposed intervention or therapeutic plan will be helpful in assisting your client address the presenting problem… Discuss the different macro systems impacting the client and how the social worker might intervene at a macro system level. Discuss specific factors such as ethnic, cultural, racial, gender, age and/or geographical factors that might impact the client-worker relationship and the client’s ability to relate to the worker and vis-versa……..?

Consent and Capacity: (Gillick Competent)

Discuss about Consent and Capacity: (Gillick Competent)………….

The Role the Media play in influencing food choice

Is the influence of media on our food choices a good thing?…

The Role the Media play in influencing food choice II

Is the influence of media on our food choices a good thing?


Should state and local government enact legislation that bans the sale or rental of excessively violent or sexually explicit video games to children under the age of 18?


Advise Ethical Co as to the possibility of obtaining compensation in excess of the £500 limitation………….

Employment and human rights

You have just been hired as a human resources co-coordinator at a non-unionized company that creates and supports computer software in Ontario. You have conducted interviews within the company and discovered the following: 60% of the employees are new recruits with less than 3 years relevant work experience whereas 25% of employees have already or will reach the age of 65 years in the next 2 years After a discussion with the owner of the company, you and your team have agreed to write a report to be given to the owner and the managers of the company that sets out any legal concerns and recommendations you and your team have with respect to the particular facts discovered during your interviews as set out above. Ensure that your report takes into account the specific needs of your company and that your report speaks to your audience ? uninformed management.

Legal and Professional Responsibility in Obtaining Patient Consent

What are the Legal and Professional Responsibility in Obtaining Patient Consent?


Advise the parties as to whether they are committing any offences and what sentence would be appropriate ?……….

Summary and Discussion of Quality Trends in FDA Warning Letters focus on Pharmaceutical GMP


Constrains experienced in introduction of universal coverage of healthcare systems in developing countries


My health care plan

The type of health care plan I have is Managed health care coverage. I have access to it as a dependent. ( n.d.)My parent’s employer through an insurance company offers healthcare to the employees and by extension their immediate next of kin through this scheme. The specific type of managed healthcare that this company has placed my family under is Preferred Provider organization. In this coverage scheme, the insurance company gets into a contract with a group of doctors, clinics, hospitals as well as other healthcare providers to provide subsidized medical services to the employees of the firm.

The Tort of Negligence in Business Law

Discuss the Tort of Negligence in Business Law……………..

Frustrated Contracts; Questions and Answers

Define frustration, Illustrate how a contract can be frustrated., Explain the effects of frustration in a contract…..

personal disaster preparedness policy


Australians’ Care-free Attitude towards Chronic Diseases


Physical Therapy Profession

Discussion of the purpose and mission of the American Physical Therapy Association and the Texas Physical Therapy Association….?

Response to biopsychosocial assessment

Discuss a proposed intervention or therapeutic plan will be helpful in assisting your client address the presenting problem, Discuss the different macro systems impacting the client and how the social worker might intervene at a macro system level…?


Euthanasia. Explain the meaning behind the term “slippery slope” and the ethical and legal implications of physician-assisted suicide. Is death a right or a privilege?

Health policy development exercise

Write a letter to your Congressperson regarding a health policy issue of interest to you/your community/the midwifery profession. Develop a brief testimony before a Congressional committee/community committee or hearing on a health policy issue of interest to you/your community….?

Physical Therapy Profession

Discuss on the purpose and mission of the American Physical Therapy Association and the Texas Physical Therapy Association…..?


Imagine you are a team of consultants bidding on a project to provide risk management for an international event to be held in the future in a large U.S. city. • written A proposal to city officials that supports your bid. •Include scenario thinking, consideration of social responsibility, and future trends in risk management in your proposal………..

Article Critique

Write an article critique…………………

Social Programs within the United States

Discuss the United States Social Welfare…………….?


Discuss the housing crisis in Australia………………….

Issues in Comparative Criminal Justice

Discuss on Issues in Comparative Criminal Justice………………………..

Health Promotion for Multi-Cultural Populations


Managed care



Illustrate the ethical and legal preparations required for successful prosecution of a case……………..





Constitutional Criminal Procedure

The sentence under consideration relates to Douglas Deville case; he has been sentenced to life imprisonment without parole because it was his third drug- related felony. After being arrested for possessing 100 grams of cocaine base and 400 grams of marijuana, the federal court awarded this sentence as he had been convicted of felony possession with intent to distribute. Previously, he had been convicted of two drug- related felony in the same state.



Issues in Comparative Criminal Justice

Compare and  contrast two key aspects of the Adversarial, Inquisitorial and Islamic criminal justice: what are the similarities in aims and objectives? What are the differences?

Criminal Justice and Law Management

Criminal justice management was started in 1960 since it was seen as a successful aspect in professionalism of enforcing law. It applies the basics of public supervision to administration and control of the justice system off crimes.  This includes the role played by the correctional institutions, courts, probation department and other decree and order enforcement agencies as indicated by Garland and David (pp.20). Many of the administrators of criminal justice start their careers as policemen and other correctional officers the advance their education to Criminology and other related courses.  The criminal justice administration is charged with the mandate to manage specific community agencies involved with crime cases. Criminal justice and law management helps to deal with problems which the current technology can not solve and uses a different approach from the local administration. Criminal justice management policy involves the assessing of the individual needs, developing a plan

International Law

International law is the law that governs independent states whilst dealing with each other. These laws are deemed to govern states rather than private citizens thus the terminology, and are meant to enhance the sovereignty of independent states. However the rules of international law are applicable to international bodies like the United Nations and the International Red Cross. In reference to states, the Holy See and the United Nations headquarters in New York are granted the status as independent states under International law.

Application for a master’s degree in law

There is great satisfaction when justice, fair trial and fair judgment is administered in any case. This gives light and makes the world a better place impacting change to the feeble minority on receiving evenhandedness. Application of master’s degree in law is thus a vision to make our institutions ethical and transparency oriented raising concerns due to the continued trends of impunity in our societal, economical and federal institutions which must be deterred with. Further it is going to instill faith in our institutions which will be characterized with adherence to norms and extinction of deviants. It is thus with these notions that I am applying for Masters in a law degree hoping to make the word better. I have also borne witness to cases of injustice which with my miniature authority slipped off my hand during my work experiences in firms. I believe the acceptance to this request will be of benefit to the justice system and further will help me to self actualize my dreams of bei

Crisis in Afghanistan

Discuss about the  crisis in Afghanistan and the question of international involvement…………?

Health Communication

Health communication helps to reduce patient’s apprehension and curb unnecessary mistakes and also helps the involved stakeholders to know their obligations. Some of its components include personal goals, processes, shared meaning, sensitivity and interdependence. It helps to result to effective communication on various health decisions.




Discuss about fraud and illegal acts…………………..



Biochemical Markers in Liver Fibrosis Assessment



Limited Partnership Agreement

AN AGREEMENT dated the 13 th day of September, 2011 between Andrew Smith, Robert Jones, Rebecca Brown (General Partners) and Bevan Brown (Limited Partner), hereinafter referred to as “The Partners” whereby the Partners Agree to commence in business as an Alpine Adventure Tourism business under the following terms:


The Banana Dispute Between WTO and EU


Republican Nominees for the 2012 U.S Presidential Elections





John L. Anderson pour-over will








Leadership Problem in Health Care

Generally, the health care system is complex compared to most of other service providing systems. Most of its clients do not come willingly but are forced by situations such as illnesses and pregnancy. Being a complex system, health care management is faced by various issues which include: controlling costs, provision of charity care, leadership and management issues, and training and certification issues among others. This discussion will focus on leadership problem in health care management; its extent and the impact, how often it is encountered, its negative consequences, who is affected, and its implications for the mission and vision of the healthcare organization experiencing leadership problems.



Balance sheet shows the value of items owned by an organization, amount of debt it owes, the amount of inventory in hand and how much the company has to work with. It shows the financial position of a company at a given date over a given period of time. Income statement shows the organization’s revenue and costs or expenses. It also shows the profit or loss incurred by subtracting all costs, taxes and expenses from revenues. Cash flow statement shows the flow of funds between the company and the outside world. It shows how cash has been used and shows excess cash that can be invested in inventory. It is used to establish whether there is embezzlement of money. Profit and loss account shows the profit or loss made by the business. It shows the financial status of a company for a given period of time.

Health Information System

Health information system (HIS) is a discipline and practice in health care that incorporates the use of information science and technology in general. According to Lippeveld (2000), health information system is a combination of health information from various sources through use of information and communication methods and derives information regarding health care, health status, and provision of health services. He further notes that health information systems’ tools include not only the computers but also the formal medical guidelines, clinical guidelines, and information and communications systems in general. Just like most disciplines and practices, health information systems are bound to be subject of certain factors and trends. Discussed here are three major factors which have the most significant influence on today’s health information systems initiatives. They include; financial resources factors, information policies factors, and human resources factors AbouZahr & Boerma

Communication among Inpatient Physicians and Nurses

From the study, here are three selected specific information needs and identified key data inputs, processes and outputs that are necessary for the information to be accurate and useful. First, patient specific information needs. Key data inputs for this information needs are; problem lists, list of current providers for the patient and laboratory and other test results. The process involves use of data to produce inpatient and outpatient consultation reports with recommended remedies (outcome). Second, institution specific information needs, here the key inputs include information on the current providers that are on- call and how to contact them and the policies and protocols. The process will involve the use of information so as to produce report that is appropriate for the patient in regard to the institution specific information needs. Lastly, domain specific information needs. The key inputs here include information on disease management, drug information, and medical formulas li

Wait Times for Pediatrics

Wait times in health care can simply mean to the time it takes for a patient to get treated in the particular hospital and more specifically at emergency rooms. Waiting times in hospitals is a key concern to patients and other health care stakeholders. Most health facilities are aware of this concern and are constantly trying to improve on wait times. This discussion will focus specifically on wait times for pediatrics in Canada. Just like in most countries, Canada faces the challenge of wait times in health care. This situation cuts across patients of all ages, sex, and races even though there might be small variation relating to the same. Children have not been spared either in this situation since there is high level of health care sought for children. This is because childhood stage requires many health care services in order to ensure that the growth and development among children is enhanced and sustained. In addition, considering the fragile nature of the health of children brou

Dental school application

There is greater joy in giving than in receiving, there is greater satisfaction in serving than in being served and the saying that service to man is service to God has no better prove of that. This is evident when a doctor gets all excited when patients leave a hospital though it will not benefit, he or she is happy to bring a smile to ones face. This I have borne witness to while working in dental department in both United States and in Iran. I have also heard expressions from  my father who works as a plastic surgeon and I remember vividly a visit I paid to him in hospital and got touched by a teenager who had been involved in a tragic accident that not only affected his face but also his entire body. With this I realized there was need to make the world we are living better and took in the field of medicine. I have come also to realize that dentistry is rapidly growing as an area of disease detection, field of diagnosis, surgical restorations and public health on the need to practi

Political Economy of International Health Framework

Description of the Global Health Issue

Business Law – Critical Analysis


Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Many occupational accidents either due to lack of proper training or due to ignorance occur and cost people either their firms, lives and even there ability to work. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), that came in to play in 2007 repeal the employees act in that employers should have safe operations that do not  cause any health hazard to the employee and if it does to cease operations of the company until necessary measures are taken. The employee on the other hand has a duty to ensure he keeps his working environment clean and free from occupation hazards. In addition he should prepare a report at the end of year analyzing his safety and heath that is submitted to the relevant advisor annually. OSHA law passed in 1971 to ensure every employee during the course of work is safe and the working conditions are fulfilling. OSHA also safeguards human resources from destruction via pollution or mere mishandling by users. With this aim OSHA was established by the law depar



Main Source: Elliot J. Gorn, Randy Roberts, Terry D. Bilhartz, Constructing the American Past: A Source Book of a People’s History , Volume One, Seventh Edition, New York: Pearson Longman, 2011. (Chapter 7 – Use primary documents) Other sources: Go to the Library of Congress’ online exhibit on the life of Thomas Jefferson: View the entire exhibit but especially the section on Establishing a Federal Republic. Watch the words taken from an actual campaign document in 1800 shown in the style of a modern political commercial: Read Jefferson’s First Inaugural Address: Look at the essays at the Miller Center on Jefferson’s presidency: •&????;Campaigns and Elections •&????;Domestic Affairs •&????;Foreign Affairs Read about the Lewis and Clark expedition at these sites: ht

Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror

Write an essay about the right of habeas corpus in the context of the war on terror. Your essay should address the following subtopics: The general meaning of the right of habeas corpus in the U.S. Constitution and its relationship to the protection of other civil liberties. The historical evolution of habeas corpus, including its English and American traditions. Examples from U.S. history of the “suspension” of habeas corpus and their applicability to the present. The relevance of habeas corpus to the contemporary U.S. situation during the war on terror, especially with respect to persons characterized by the President as “enemy combatants” or “illegal combatants.” The U.S. Supreme Court’s interpretation of the right of habeas corpus with respect to “enemy combatants” or “illegal combatants” (i.e., the views of the five justices making up the majority in Boumediene v. Bush as well as the views of the four dissenting justices). Your evaluation of various perspectives on this topic expr

Western Civilization II

1. How and why did European states abandon or redefine their empires in the 1950s and 1960s? 2. Who was Nikita Khrushchev, and how did he redefine the Soviet Union after 1956?

The differences between the history and memory of the World War II

Your goal here with this paper is to critically analyze Mark A. Stoler’s “The Second World War in U. S. History and Memory,” (link enclosed) address the issue of historical fact as interpreted by historians versus how we remember the past.  Remember to cite in text. (I don’t want a paper full of quotes- no more then 3)  I would love to see an incorporation of pop culture as a contrast to Stoler. After reading Mark A. Stoler’s “The Second World War in U. S. History and Memory,” write a three-page paper (excluding title and reference pages) addressing the differences between the history and memory of the war The title of the paper: The differences between the history and memory of the World War II This is the link to where you can view his article: Engage Stoler’s analysis, especially his theory regarding the way succeeding generations viewed the war, and explain why you agree or disagree with it.  Your paper must have a the

Proposal to Improve the working of American Politics

Identify a proposal to improve the working of American politics. And discuss in detail…………………

Seward’s Proposal

Here is your goal for this assignment: Write an essay that explains your position on Seward’s Proposal Imagine you are a member of Congress in 1867 and debating William Seward’s proposal for the purchase of Alaska. You are asked to explain how you plan to vote on the proposal. Prepare a speech of 350-500 words explaining either your support for or opposition to the proposal. Thoroughly explain and justify your support for or opposition to the purchase. Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation as you write your speech. Note: Be sure to write your speech as if you are a member of Congress in 1867, not someone who lives in the present day. Proper documentation includes both parenthetical citations within the body of your report anytime you summarize or quote a source, as well as a works cited page. In addition to text books and Internet websites, you can refer to the Academy’s document on MLA style, found in the Academy’s on-line resource center, for further instruction on MLA style.




After discussing the Grande Armee, what factors do you think led to its downfall?


Discuss about the Independence of the Central bank…………..

Demand-side Policies and the Great Recession of 2008

Demand-side Policies and the Great Recession of 2008

Workbook Exercise

Workbook Exercise 1: Open the “OECD for students” spreadsheet and save it to your own computer. The aim of this exercise is to assist you to understand how to calculate the mean, median and mode of a frequency distribution for the purposes of data analysis. There are six tabs labelled: male science, male maths, male reading, female science, female maths and female reading. You should now examine the data on the ‘male science’ spreadsheet. There are three variables: rank; country and mean score. The countries are listed alphabetically. The country variable is a nominal variable, therefore we can only calculate the mode for this variable. Each value [country] appears only once, therefore if we created a frequency table of this variable, the first column would list the value names [countries], the second column would list the number of observations for each value [1] and the third column would list the percentage for each value [3.33] and the final column would list the cumulative percent

Educational theories

Educational theories

academic and Behavioural Support Needs of Teachers

academic and Behavioural Support Needs of Teachers

Write a summary of the book food inc part one and two

Write a summary of the book food inc part one and two

identifying what an administrator needs to do to ensure that proper discretion is used in interpreting and enforcing rules and regulations by using uniforms as an example

identifying what an administrator needs to do to ensure that proper discretion is used in interpreting and enforcing rules and regulations by using uniforms as an example.. Topic needs to address concerns of an administrator, leader, manager Examine how far do regulations should go and when should regulations be enforced and when do they start hindering morale. Identifying what an administrator needs to do to ensure that proper discretion is used in interpreting and enforcing rules and regulations by using uniforms as an example. Topic needs to address concerns of an administrator, leader, manager.Examine how far do regulations should go and when should regulations be enforced and when do they start hindering morale. Identifying what an administrator needs to do to ensure that proper discretion is used in interpreting and enforcing rules and regulations by using uniforms as an example. Topic needs to address concerns of an administrator, leader, manager.

Debts R’

the prewriting process and importance in academic writing

explain the various steps involved in the prewriting process and their importance in academic writing. Your paper should include information concerning audience, purpose, critical thinking, organization, argument, details, and focus.

1. Discuss the public and private law ramifications for the International Industries Company in this situation.

International sea voyages lead to contradictions in situations where it is not clear which laws applies when the exact place of the happening is not identified. In this case, it is of absolute importance to look at some fundamental legal frameworks in effect like the Admiralty law, the Liberian law, Public and Private Law and the Flag of Convenience. Mr. and Mrs. John Doe boarded The Sailfin and travelled between U.S. waters and international waters. An unknown amount of time elapsed between the robbery and discovery of Mrs. Doe, who was locked in a cabin restroom.



Using History to Understand Contemporary Geographical Processes

Explain Using History to Understand Contemporary Geographical Processes………….

Legal drinking age


Principles of Statutory Interpretation

Ravindran (2011) explains statutory interpretation as the procedure of rending and enforcing legislation, the interpretation of the statutory is always necessary when it involves a statute. Some of the interpretations of a statute are easier for some magistrates, but sometimes the statute may be uncertain and unclear and therefore the magistrate must be able to solve where they feel it is not clear. Magistrates might use different means to interpret the statute depending on the structure of the statute, sometimes it may based on the purpose, the legislation or the traditional settings of a statute. There are various ways that may be used by a magistrate to interpret the statutory law. Riches and Allen (2011) suggest that a magistrate can use a practical approach towards the interpretation of the statute.

International Law


how does steinbeck presents and develop the character of curleys wife?

how does steinbeck presents and develop the character of curleys wife?

Student radicalism in 1960’s and 1970’s

Write a essay about student radicalism in 1960’s and 1970’s………….?




Productivity measures have been introduced in neonatal units to the number of children’s death in the hospitals. Key inputs in this unit are time, labor, capital, materials and resources utilized in delivering services to the young ones. Nurses and doctors should be punctual in feeding the babies, giving medication to them, changing their dirty clothes and ensuring that medical machines are not in default. Capital should be generated for machines and clothing. Key outputs are the falling number of infant deaths, reduced congestion in maternity wings, production of quality services and improvement of infant health. According to Ozcan (2009), appropriate resources should be matched with the care to be provided.

The Conflicts Between State and Federal Laws and How it Affects the Marijuana Industry

The Conflicts Between State and Federal Laws and How it Affects the Marijuana Industry


AMALGAMTED PUBLIC EMPLOYEES Your instructor will post a business memo that you will need to analyze applying the critical thinking model discussed in Asking the Right Questions.

Vignette Analysis I

Vignette Analysis I Joe is a 19 year old, Chinese male. He suffers from bouts of depression and occasional anxiety. He states that, “I just never seem to be good enough”. Joe is the caretaker of his invalid mother and 2 younger siblings. His father left when Joe was the only child at 5 years of age, and returned when Joe was 12. Within 2 years, his sister and brother were born. When Joe was 16 years old, his mother was in a car accident which left her paralyzed. His father left again and hasn’t been seen since. He tells you that he hates his father and wishes him dead.

Cold War

Cold War

mid life crisis is it real or not


Growth Of Colonial Society During The Era Of Salutary Neglect

Present various factors involved in the growth of colonial society during the era of salutary neglect and explain their effects on the later movement for independence once the era ended…………….?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Case Study

Wait Times for Pediatrics

Wait times in health care can simply mean to the time it takes for a patient to get treated in the particular hospital and more specifically at emergency rooms. Waiting times in hospitals is a key concern to patients and other health care stakeholders. Most health facilities are aware of this concern and are constantly trying to improve on wait times. This discussion will focus specifically on wait times for pediatrics in Canada. Just like in most countries, Canada faces the challenge of wait times in health care. This situation cuts across patients of all ages, sex, and races even though there might be small variation relating to the same. Children have not been spared either in this situation since there is high level of health care sought for children. This is because childhood stage requires many health care services in order to ensure that the growth and development among children is enhanced and sustained. In addition, considering the fragile nature of the health of children brou








Refugees rights in the international law

Refugees rights in the international law



Political Documentaries

Political Documentaries have rolled up over these past few years to become the most popular and widely accepted form of documentaries by the general public. They have attracted audiences though many documentaries are considered to be in the realm of popular culture. Furthermore many documentaries take on political themes and as such deserve attention in the media, politics and popular culture (Cogan and Kelso, 10). There are many varied reasons for this but the main factor for this kind of popularity lies with globalization and the never ending war on terror. These two issues enhanced public consciousness on what globalization really means (Gecco, 2). The fact the staying in the west does not insulate an individual from the life of the people on the other end. This awareness of the fact that a disgruntled individual or group living miles and miles away can cause an imbalance in the way of life has led to people searching for more information on how such a situation came about and how i

Daily life in the medieval Islamic world

US Foreign policy after World War 2

Madeline Albright was the first Woman to be sworn in as a Secretary of State for the United States government. Her approach to foreign policy was to make decisions that served the interests of app parties that had a stake in the actions of the US government in its relations with other countries. Her policies were centered on the interests of the American Public’s needs, the Clinton administration as well as the interests of the United Nations Delegates. It is believed that her family’s experience when they were fleeing the Nazis in Chekslovakia had a profound influence on her decision making. Her major achievement was in 2007 when she participated in the Peace effort in the middle East by urging Israel’s then prime Minister to consider the plight of Palestinians and in effect avoid leadership until the Middle East was ready to make some important Decisions regarding the region’s political stability.